Colorado State Water Plan

Although Colorado was our nation’s first prior appropriation state for allocating and managing limited Western water resources, Colorado is the last Western state to formulate and maintain a professional State Water Plan to guide its strategic water development decisions with federal permitting agencies.

Governor Hickenlooper deserves great credit for his farsighted Executive Order directing Colorado’s Water Conservation Board to fulfill its original 1937 Legislative Mandate to …. plan, protect, and develop Colorado’s interstate entitlements for current and future generations.

Our PowerPoint presentation provides a good summary of how Central Colorado Project’s innovative high altitude, multi-basin, pumped water and energy productivity multiplier concept could quickly serve as Colorado’s primary State Water Plan, in response to Governor Hickenlooper’s May 14, 2013 Executive Order 0 2013-005.

Colorado’s governor-directed State Water Plan and Central Colorado Project could soon provide one of our nation’s most valuable policy changes and infrastructure assets for human and environmental needs. Additional high altitude multi-basin pumped water and energy storage projects could and should soon follow CCP’s breakthrough lead for solving the West’s escalating clean water and energy shortage crises.